Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Walk Monday

Do you have a favorite place or time to get alone with God? If yes, when, where and maybe why?… If no, can you think of one you could make, giving it to the Lord as a place for you and Him to hang-out together?
A few years ago, Matt bought me an antique Orangish colored rocking chair. It was aptly named the mommy chair. It was suppose to be the one place I could go and no matter what the boys were not allowed to interrupt mommy! Even if she was doing nothing:) It lasted a little while but over time the chair did not "fit" the living room anymore, we moved, colors changed. The chair stopped being used. Mommy time also became a luxury. Boys got older, activities increased, mommy got busier and busier. (Is that a word?) Well to make a long story short, the mommy chair as since disappeared but recently we got a new mattress for our bed--- (the old one had that mysterious dip in the middle, well no, it was actually like a hump, for we each had our own side, and that is where the dips were:) anyhoo, NOW my favorite place to study is my bed, I go upstairs close the door, turn on the Bose Cd player , listen to a little CECE and walla, TIME ALONE WITH GOD!


Doreen said...

Good for you! I have a rocker in my living room which is my "Time Alone with God" chair. Up at 6:00am to do that though! Nice & quiet before everyone else wakes up! It's nice to have that time alone.

Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Our bed has a bump too! I love that you used to have a mommy chair... I think that might be what God wants of my in the couch in my room... thanks for sharing my dear!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme


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