Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Like Jonah who kept missing out on God's heart and plan because of his own stubbornness and bitterness, it could be that there are unresolved issues in your life that God is trying to draw your attention to.

 Perhaps you've convinced yourself that God meant to say "Tarshish" when He clearly said "Ninevah."

Maybe you've fantasized a future based on something God spoke and now you're disappointed. It's not that God's promise was invalid, it's just that what you thought you heard  wasnt actually very  accurate.

 If this is where you're at, God doesn't condemn you for the heartbreak you're experiencing. He wants to meet you there, heal your broken heart, and get you back on track with Him
(Prov. 13:12, Isaiah 42:3, Hosea 2:15, Jonah 2).

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