Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Football photos.....

Aaron has his first football scrimmage
this coming Monday, but according
to him, he had to bring the uniform home
on Friday to wash it, and really I should
have taken a before wash picture and
an after 3 washes picture, and yes! Bleach
all three times.....Nasty is what it was, but
those darn pants are white now, until
Monday that is. So..... until the official game
day which is not until Sept. 24 here is what
the little darling looks like in part of his
uniform. A far cry from diapers and cute
little bib overalls!

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