Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School!

It is the first day of school today!
The boys are being so good about
a new school. Noah ad Micah are
at Amanda Moore Elementary along
with many kids from the sub division.

Their day will start a lot earlier this year,
school begins at 8:20 and the bus comes at 7:30.
A big difference from the bus coming last year at
8:40 and school starting at 9 am.

After a good breakfast of cereal and
eggs it was outside for a small game
of hoops in the driveway while they
wait for the bus. It is only a half day
today but I miss them already.
Lucky for me they boys are excited for
school. I on the other hand do not like the
first day of school. For me it means the
end of summer, the end of spending
my days with my kids, everything changes.
I know change is good but today when I
sent my kids off to their prospective schools
I had a 9th grade high schooler, a 7th grade
middle schooler 5th grader who is in his
last year of elementary school and a 2nd
grader....... where do the years go??????
Home schooling is looking better every year:)

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