Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ichthus 09

Never does the Mabey family go away and not get into a pick up soccer game- Ichthus was no exception!

Communion~ always a wonderful experience at Ichthus

We met up with Levi Spring, pastors son who used to be here in Michigan now moved to Marion Indiana- we miss you guys!

Micah sponsored his first compassion child, a little boy from India, so proud of you Micah! giving up your allowance is not easy at 10 years old

It was Micah's friend Scott's birthday while we were gone, and he wanted to meet hawk Nelson, he got his opportunity! The boys waited in line for what seemed like forever but came away with autographs for all! they were pumped!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

4th times a charm- Right?

Micah had his surgery this morning.... we were up and at the hospital shortly after 6am- surgery was scheduled for 7:30 and promptly at 7:15 the doc walked in and Micah was off- he was very apprehensive but made it through okay- surgery was approximately 15 minutes and by the time ten o'clock rolled around we were safely home and he was snug under his own blankets on the sofa watchng cartoons claiming he was starving.... He is still feeling some of the effects of the anesthesia so we are keeping home for the rest of the evening, much to his chagrin..... HE would much rather be outside riding his bike and playing with his friends! Tomorrow He will go back to school to finish up the lat 3 days of school
Tackle It Tuesday Meme


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