Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Heartache No One Sees.

I am reading several books right now. Okay, I know.....Me especially, several books at one time? Usually that is Matt. I read one at a time, he reads one in the bathroom, one in the bedroom one in the living room, etc. But not me..... Well times they are a changing....:)

Anyway I am on page 154 of Sheila Walshes book "the Heartache No One Sees. Sheila is a best selling author and popular speaker for Women of Faith with a heart for reaching out to broken women because she used to be one of them.

In "The Heartache No One Sees" Sheila shows us why some people are able to access and maintain an absolute hope that cannot be shaken- while others lose it like the morning mist.

Truly God's Grace is Amazing He knows all that is true of ME yet He love me!

We can talk about Grace our whole life but only when you stand before God with nothing left to commend us and in that desperate place you become the one to receive that grace, then we finally understand what is so amazing about Grace.

I look back at God's track record with me and He has been faithful to me despite myself.....

Do I believe, that God has saved my best days for the days that lie ahead? Will you believe that for me?

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