Mabey Memories

The desire of my heart is to become the person God dreams of and share those dreams with others; to unleash personal and corporate creativiy within the church, overflowing it with passion and freedom while searching for the face and character of God.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Karaoke- bowling style!

Whew! That was hard work!

He Passed! Zach officially has a drivers license! I had to sit all the way in the back~ well i did not have to but Zach informed me if I spoke he would fail, and i didn't want him to fail on account of me( guess i did not want him to fail period~ but if he did it was not going to be because of me- he was scaring the heck out of me:) ) but was I nervous~ so was he. let me just say for the record, his brow was sweating......he kept having to wipe his forehead on his upper arm....he was so cute! Anyway after a harrowing 15 miles and 40 minutes....HE PASSED! am I glad that is over- 6 months till Aaron- :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drivers test

I am nervous for Zach- actually perspiring okay no glistening:) ~and we are not even out the door yet! Will let you know how it goes......PRAY!

Saturday is a RED OUT!

Vote for your game of the week !

Romeo is in the running......for the Romeo Clakston game on Saturday

1:00 pm- tailgating begins at 11am

Pathway Community Church
“The Magic of Christmas”
A Ladies Christmas Tea
Held at The Club Monte Carlo~ 50265 Van Dyke, Shelby Twp.
Friday December 5th 2008 Doors open 6:30 pm ~Cost $12.00 p.p.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


2 little pumpkins sitting on a fence!

Micah and Noah are the only two boys this year that wanted to carve pumpkins.....

kinda made me sad~ it is a little bitter sweet that they are growing up so fast - although makes me wonder, cause I still enjoy it! guess it is not cool right now, you know- what if their friends find out? :) - hoping they remember to have fun as they grow up too! the carving, making the pumpkin seeds- although they are only good for a few days........anyway, this is what the younger two came up with this year! no fancy tools. no kits with pages to trace, just good old fashion knife and fingers to pull out the pulp- come to think of it, maybe that is why the older boys don't want to carve.....hhhmmmm maybe next year we try the fancy kits and tracing tools.......

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dashboard confessional concert

For Matt's birthday we took Zach to see a concert in Ypsi. Actually we took Zach, and Paige, Maddie and Zack Salaysay. Maddie and Page both drive but it was a bit to far for any of us parents to feel comfortable letting them go themselves so I volunteered. Yep! it was Matt birthday but the way I saw it we could use that time to catch up and have a nice dinner together. The kids were very grateful!


Happy Birthday 41st Matt !

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Matt preaches Sunday at Pathway

10:00 AM at the Instructional resource Center for Utica schools

14201 Canal Road Sterling Heights

From hall road take a left on Schoenherr, south about a mile.

Left onto Canal (Michigan left that is)

The IRC is on the north side of the road!

See you there~
Tackle It Tuesday Meme


Romeo Weather